Fleeting Velvet

You know, today was a good day.
Tonight, though, just plain sucks.
I hate not having Tom to talk to.

The Judges were here today — they’re great kids! Thomas and Tabitha love having them over. Lots of fun in the pool today. Lots of splashing, screaming, tattling, and more splashing.

Made Tempura for dinner. Quite good, but I burnt three of my fingers in the hot oil. I was putting the battered vegetables in the oil and Thomas crashed into my legs at the very moment. OUCH. They still feel like they’re stinging.

Busy day with doing stuff for the Dads and Daughters Dinner. Lots of emails to radio stations and mutual friends, inviting and announcing.

The news today was flooded with pictures of gay marriages.
Sarin may have been found on an unmarked artilley shell in Iraq, the first finding of a WMD since the war began.
Hurricanes are brewing.
India’s stock market is crashing.
My brother graduated from college yesterday.

Well, busy day tomorrow. Getting the cyst on my arm looked at.

Going to bed.
Obviously, not a boring day. Just don’t have the energy to talk about it. And, did I mention I miss Tom?

PS: Velvet escaped while I was cleaning the cage at midnight. Obviously, the kids don’t know yet. That bunny was FAST! Then, she just sat there and watched me clean out the cage. Kinda funny. I left it open, stocked with fresh water, carrots, grass and rabbit food. Who knows, maybe she’ll stick around the yard and let us pet her now and then.