Nothing to Cough At

This week, at the high recommendation of some close friends, we made the brave move to take our children to a new pediatrician.

Not only was the practice awesome (excellent medical (and gentle) care, smaller practice, kid-friendly environment) , but the doctor gave us a sample of ElixSure for our children’s non-stop coughing from their illness.

Wow! It works fast, and it has the consistency of a soft jello (sticks to the spoon, too) – so it doesn’t get all over the place when administering it to children, and it actually tastes delicious. (Have you ever tried a cough medicine that tastes good? I always taste a smidgen of the medicine my children take so that I know what they’re in for – I’m not going to lie if it tastes horrible!)

When our children took the medicine, it reminded me of the scene in Mary Poppins where she gives Jane and Michael medicine after “getting their feet wet” in the rain and the children are surprised when it actually tastes good.

ElixSure Cough (which retails at CVS $5.99) for is made by Taro Pharmaceuticals and if the world catches on to their new line of tasty spill-resistant cold medicines, their stock will be nothing to cough (or sneeze) at.
