WordPress Plugins

Someone had written asking about the newly added email plug-in that I added, and I thought it might be cool to list the plug-ins that we’re using, and give them a little plug themselves. I am a tweaker, and I’m always on the lookout for cool new plugins. So, thanks to all the people who have written the plugins we’re using.

One of the most important plug-ins is the Spam Karma plug-in that weeds out the comment spam that I’ve been getting on the site. I was deleting anywhere from 20 to 40 comments a day that were simply advertisements, but the plug-in now filters all that junk.

I’ve got the Random Banner plug-in changing the banner at the top of the page on loads.

Sarah and I both appreciate the Spelling Checker plugin, that fixes our atrocious spelling.

Scripturizer automatically turns scripture references into hot links to bible.gospelcom.net. Like this -> John 3:16

Subscribe2 will send an email out when this website is updated, while the Email Plugin allows readers to send copies of posts to their friends.

And finally, the Headline Images plugin creates the graphical, 3-d headers for each of the posts, instead of the boring text ones.