Republican Lip Service

Every now and then, I read articles like these, which confirm my opinion of the Republican Party. I don’t post all of them, since I don’t want my blog to sound like a skipping record. But, I’ll post this one, entitled “GOP brushing off abortion opponents“.

Liberals and plenty of Republicans have long questioned whether conservative leaders really want to make abortion illegal. Removing it from their culture war arsenal would be a blow to the GOP get-out-the-vote playbook.

In his 2004 bestseller, What’s the Matter with Kansas?, Thomas Frank argued that Republicans have convinced working class and middle class Americans to vote against their own self-interest based on cultural wedge issues to which the GOP ultimately only pays lip service.

(Found on Fark)

One response to “Republican Lip Service”

  1. Not surprised about this at all. I mean you have a party that consistently looks after the richest 1% of the nation yet says they are the party of the working people.