The Decline of Western Civilization

Found an editorial in Crisis Magazine, linked off reddit, by Mark Shea called “Insensitivity Training: Facing the Crybaby Culture“. After spending a good amount of time describing some inane, and often unbelievable examples of people whom you would think are getting paid to be offended, he ends with this advice for these whiners.

Consider the possibility that you just need to get a life. Signs of this need include spending all day in a sweat of irritation because religious people exist, hallucinations that you are being raped by classical music, constant convulsive outrage over words like “history” and “master/slave” or “outing,” and a gasping sense of oppression at the thought of urinals. Wigging out over leprechauns and tomahawk chops is another “get a life” indicator. Still other signs include loss of sleep and anger-management issues over presidential greeting cards, cartoons, ice cream lids, and books with pigs in them.

While he does touch on crybabies in the religious world, I think an entire article could have been written about overly sensitive people the church. For a group of people who have been saved by Grace, we tend to be the least gracious people to our fellow wretches.

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