Standing in a Suit, Repeating Vows

I found a post by a guy I hadn’t read before, linked from Mark Hornes’ blog. It’s comments on the recent PCA General Assembly, but I really loved his quote at the end:

Chapter 1 of [The Westminster] confession seems to be saying this in essence “Stop arguing about the confession. Go do Biblical Theology. Not all parts are clear. Bring clarity to the discussion via the discipline of Biblical Theology. Then talk about it in terms of Systematic Theology. Then go do Biblical Theology. Repeat till Jesus comes!” Going beyond the confession is actually the way to be confessional. The way to be married isn’t to stand around in a suit and a dress repeating words. Go enjoy your union! Our union with Christ came to us through the word. Our clarity, like our vows, come through creeds and confessions. But we camp out in the Scriptures, just as we must sleep in our marriage bed and live in our family home. (emphasis mine)