Instant Messenger

I usually don’t blog about work too often, but I thought it was worth mentioning that Lockheed Martin rolled out the Microsoft Windows Messenger client to all our workstations this past Friday. It’s a great move, as we had been using email as an IM tool (i.e. “What are we doing for lunch?”). Some stuff should be relegated to the etheral world of IM, and not clog down the email servers.

That being said, LM IS&S has also changed their email policy, so I’m not supposed to follow my normal procedure of saving a years worth of email. Too often have I had to dig back to an email from six months ago to say, “Look, here’s what you said then, why are you saying differently now?” I can only do that for up to two months, after which I’m supposed to delete them, unless I can justify each one I want to save. But that’s hard when you don’t know when you’re going to need an email.

I’m sure I’ll complain about this the first time it bites me in the behind.