Month: August 2005

  • Low Expectations

    Nero Bush fiddled strummed while Rome New Orleans burned flooded?

  • Wedding Anniversary

    Today is our 6th Wedding Anniversary. To celebrate, Tom and I went to a concert in Phily last night. Tonight, we took the kiddies out to dinner at the Longhorn Steakhouse – all of the manners-practice at cheap food joints paid off. They were very well behaved, making mommy and daddy quite proud. XXII When […]

  • New Pictures

    Daddy and Micah Spring05/109_0969 Spring05/109_0968 Tabitha’s RainbowSpring05/109_0965 Tom building his PVRSpring05/109_0963 Spring05/109_0961

  • Christian as Palace Guards

    A question for God: If Christians have the same spirit, why do they disagree so much? I am really struggling with having patience with legalistic christians whose only joy comes from the delight in robbing it from others. I missed the part where holiness is defined by how loud one can gasp or by the […]

  • Pat Robertson is a Liar

    So, you all saw that news that Pat Robertson, former presidential candidate, and now impotent spokesmen for disillusioned dispensationals, had called for the assissination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Now, granted the U.S. doesn’t like the guy that much (Chavez, I mean), but after hitting the airwaves, the U.S. Federal government distanced themselves from Robertson […]

  • A Plea

    Hear my voice, O God, in my meditation; Preserve my life from fear of the enemy. Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked, From the rebellion of the workers of iniquity, Who sharpen their tongue like a sword, And bend their bows to shoot their arrows—bitter words, That they may shoot in secret […]

  • I’m on Google Talk right now.

    Google Talk is Google’s new IM service that they’re supposed to be announcing tomorrow. All you need is a Jabber client, and a GMail address (your id is going to be the part before the “”)… read this and hop on the service today! I do have some extra gmail invites, so if you’d like […]

  • Google Earth

    I’m surprised I haven’t written anything about Google Earth yet, but I’ve only had a chance in the past two weeks to really play with some of the features. If your computer can support it, I strongly suggest you take the time to download and play with it. One of its coolest features is the […]

  • Sauce for the Goose…

    Jonathan Schwartz, president and COO of Sun Microsystems, has written a very insightful post about a conversation he had with the CTO of a “big media company”. This CTO wanted Schwartz to support technology that would allow media companies to watermark digital media, and prevent thieves from stealing their content. This is the same technology […]

  • Photoshop the Supermodels

    Behold the power of Adobe Photoshop. This is the website of a photoshop artist who “retouches” photographs of models. So, if you ever thought that the pictures of the women-folk in Sports Illustrated and Maxim were real… well, I hate to burst your bubble. read more | digg story

  • Whatever You Do, Don’t Think

    Witness the idiocy of our public school system. Slashdot has the story of 13 Kutztown students who are facing felony charges for reconfiguring the laptops the school gave them. The student’s side of the story describes the administrator password taped to the back of the laptop. Now, I don’t feel like getting into a debate […]

  • Why I’m Cynical

    Remember that story about the guy who was shot by the cops in London? Remember how the police say they were justified in shooting him because he was wearing a jacket that could have been concealing a bomb, was running away from the police, and jumped the turnstyle to get into the Subay? Remember that? […]

  • Free Online Graph Paper

    For those of you out there trying to avoid hording graph paper around the house because you might need it someday, here’s a link to a site where you can generate and print your own graph paper as you need it. read more | digg story

  • Why I’m on Trial

    Sorry for this being protected for a little while. After I posted it without comment, I thought that perhaps it could get me into trouble. I put the password on until I was able to write up these comments. Yes, I’m caustic, polarizing, and transgressive. As the title of this blog alludes to, I readily […]

  • Cherries in the Snow

    We’re finally getting a chance to use the cherries that Sarah and the kids picked at Highland Orchards. The first beer is going to be a light ale called “Cherries in the Snow”.