Conservative? Really??

It’s very difficult for us real conservatives nowadays. I was listening to Senators Rick Santorum and Arlen Spector on the radio the other day. Santorum is in a tough fight right now with Bob Casey, and Casey has taken a rather large lead in the polls. Now, personally, I have little reason to believe that this is due to anything positive about Casey, but more because people are pissed off at Santorum.

Now, granted, Santorum has some conservative leanings… he puts on a good act. But, as I’ve pointed out over and over, he (and most of the other Republicans) seem to have forgotten what it means to be a conservative. Remember when conservatives were for smaller government? Somehow, the Republicans have turned from the conservative party into the fascist party.

Anyway, apparently this guy, Tony Kondaks, called into Sean Hannity’s show the other day. Hannity kept cutting him off, and he didn’t get a chance to make his point, so the Lew Rockwell site (a true bastion of conservatism on the Internets), gave Kondaks an opportunity to truly get his thoughts out there.

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