Giuliani’s Ferret Fetish

You need to listen to these comments by presidential hopeful, Rudolph Giuliani, to a New York ferret advocate. Worse than displaying his sheer idiocy, his rant shows how this guy thinks. In 1999, Mr. Giuliani passed a law banning ferrets in New York City.

Now, I’m not really an animal guy. However, as long as your dog, cat, or pot-bellied pig stays out of my yard and doesn’t keep me awake at night, I will fight for your right to own whatever pet you want. Apparently, since Mr. Giuliani does not see any benefits to New Yorkers owning ferrets, therefore, there should be a law banning them.

Do you really want a guy like this to be president? Anything legal that you do now will be subject to Mr. Giuliani’s “sanity test”. If it doesn’t make sense to him, he might just pass a law banning it.