Nothing is Safe – pt 2

April13/IMG_0449The day had apparently just begun when I posted earlier.

As I was cleaning up the clothing spilt from Thomas’ dresser, I heard a loud crash downstairs.

Aiden knocked over a pole lamp and shattered the florescent bulb.

As I was vacuuming the glass, Aiden emptied a deck of cards onto the stairs, and then Tabitha came running down the steps naked except for the poop on her legs, and said “HELP! I went potty!”

Poop smeared all over the bathroom upstairs..

have to wash the bath mat again!

Then Micah started screaming while I was giving Tab a bath…. when I picked him up, he had pooped through his clothes… so I started up the bath water again! Phew!

My friend Sarah came over for PB&J (Bring your own bread and take the PB off the walls.)

Aiden went in for a nap, and we sat in the backyard while the kids played. (It was fun!)

Aiden woke up as Sarah and her children were leaving.

My children then went outside.

Aiden and Tabitha picked all of my new daffodils. They’re blooming for the first time, so there’s only like one blossom per plant.
So much for the daffodils along my walk! They said, “we picked some flowers for you!” Little 2 inch stems – popped the heads right off. Hardly enough to put in water.

While I was putting them in little pesto jars, the smallest empty jars I had, T&T dumped the seedling containers on each others head. Nothing survived.

When Tom got home, we were all outside.

As we came in, Aiden made a beeline for the poultry shears and scratched up the rice cooker, which was on the kitchen table.

Tom and I quick bathed the kids, and we went to the Diner for Dinner.

In the car was our cell phone we’ve been missing for over a week!!!

Anyways… that was our day. Life is good.

4 responses to “Nothing is Safe – pt 2”

  1. Oh, Sarah! What a day! You survived…now onto today, right?! Sufficient grace for each day…

  2. Whoa, now that is LIFE!!!!
    God doesn’t give us an overcoming life, but He gives us life as we overcome. That LIFE is Jesus Christ Himself.

  3. Hi Sarah,

    Your life sounds very busy and full! Mine is too. I have 6 children; 19g, 17g, 5g,4g,3b and almost 4 months..b. I have written articles much like yours. It is great fun and such an adventure each new day when your home is full of little ones! I find that when I need to leave the room it works very well to set them up with something they are thoroughly interested in and to warn them that if they do ANYTHING besides what I have given them to do, they will have consequences. When they disobey, I follow through on the consequences immediately. They are really pretty good about obedience knowing that they will receive the promised consequence. They are very content, happy children and are obedient for the most part. That doesn’t mean that they haven’t tested me though! My boy is definitely more agressive and more willing to take some risks at disobedience, but I have found that consistency works very well with him. I have another little guy coming up. it’ll be interesting to see how his personality pans out! It does sound to me like your little guy is just being a boy and his behavior is perfectly normal. I still believe that boy or girl, consistency is the key as I have seen it pay off in numerous families with very busy boys and in my own with both boys and girls. Great little blessings! Hang in there! Sleep is important. I do train the children from birth to sleep well…it can be done and we’ve seen it work. We didn’t do it the same with the older two and didn’t get any consistent sleep until they were approx. 3 yrs old. We have implemented a great schedule with the last four and I sleep well every night even with 4 children 5 years and under. I’ll be praying for you in this great adventure as a mom!
    blessings to you,

  4. P.S. Something else which has worked with my Timothy (just turned 3) is I make him clean up his messes as much as possible. He gets to see cause and effect! Or perhaps he can sit on his bed while you clean it? Another thing is if there is a weird crisis happening here, I can always tell the children to get a book and go lay on their beds for a bit until I have handled the problem. Do you have any story tapes(audio) these are good at times like these also.