Nothing is Safe

misc/jackjacksitter Within 20 minutes of getting out of bed, Aiden has already unplugged the telephone in the computer room, dropped Tom’s laptop and pulled his brother’s dresser down on top of himself – pinning him to the floor.

If there is a sharp object, it will be found by Aiden. Laura was over for lunch the other day. I was getting almonds out of the pantry for a salad. Within seconds, he was weilding a large knife in the kitchen, waving it around and smiling.

While at Matt and Kate’s wedding reception, which was lovely, I didn’t get to relax and enjoy a fun time. I spent the first part of the reception in the ladies room nursing Micah (it was impossible to nurse a baby while wearing a the bridesmaid’s dress) and the rest of it chasing my children.

We were at the first table with the wedding party, and by the time I returned from feeding Micah, the food was freezing cold — still good though. Anyway, I was watching Aiden like a hawk – he was on the floor dancing with the other children – and looked away for no more than a second to talk to someone. When I looked back, Aiden was gone. Others began to help me search, but no one could find him. Then, someone started yelling and pointing upwards. There, up on the 2nd floor balcony (think thin, widely spaced wrought iron bars) was Aiden with his head stuck in the medallion design on the fence of the balcony. Had he not gotten his head stuck, he may have slipped through while we spent a good two minutes trying to figure out where the heck the door leading to the balcony was located. Tom and the Photographer rescued him.

Don’t even mention the word Peanut Butter. I was still cleaning off objects blessed by PB at 10:30pm last night.

In this particular situation, I am at a loss.

Either Aiden has no sense of danger or he has a great sense of it and mocks danger at every chance he can.

At present, I can see him playing in Tab’s room – so I know he’s safe, the other children are safe, and the house isn’t getting destroyed.

It is not that he is not disciplined for touching forbidden objects. He usually doesn’t do the same thing twice – he now holds the railing while going down the steps! It’s just that he finds new things to destroy. Can a rule be made not to touch anything without permission? I think not.

If I were to compare him to a cartoon character, it would be Jack Jack Parr, the baby from the Incredibles.

In the past, Aiden has been referrred to as Danger Mouse.

8 responses to “Nothing is Safe”

  1. Sarah,

    I read your post/plea on the fullquiver digest and have just read the scenes from your daily life. I don’t think you are doing anything wrong or that there is anything unusual about your little Aiden. He sounds like a BOY! I read James Dobson’s book Bringing Up Boys and it was a real eye opener for me. So much of the behavior that was scaring me and making me pull my hair out is NORMAL for little boys. Dobson says they are like cars zipping along at 80 mph. It’s amazing any of them survive to adulthood.

    My only concern is that it sound like you are consistently not getting enough sleep. Are you and your family on a schedule? I know you said you don’t want people giving you schedules, but I would really encourage you to make sleep a greater priority and having a daily plan can really help with that. Whatever you are doing between 11 pm and 1 am just can’t be as important to you and your family as a good night’s rest.

    Tamara Duncan
    mom to Caralee (12), Case (10), Erin (8), and Bradley (5)

  2. Sarah,

    Oh boy can I relate! My kids aren’t as close as yours, but I also have 4: 5.5b, 4b, 2b, 8.5mog. I can totally relate to the fearless, danger-seeking little boy. That has been my firstborn. At 3yrs old he let himself and little brother out through a window to a flat roof, where they gleefully ran around while I was still sleeping. Needless to say, after I found them and led them safely inside, the day was shot due to my hysterical crying!

    Anyway, I also have a similar sleep pattern, or lack of sleep pattern. I have been working on trying to get to bed earlier, and when I do it seems to help. Somehow I can stay on top of the destruction better.

    Have you ever watched the Supernanny? Maybe you should call her…she’s great! 🙂 Or just say everything with a british accent. That might work, too!

    Michelle Travis

  3. Sarah,
    I am the mama to 6 dc under 7. Four busy, busy boys and two teasing twirling girls! Do you have consequences for the dc? One thing I do, is take whomever is a real climber and dangerous to themselves and bring them with me, everywhere practically. I have to go upstairs to do laundry so that means Tim comes up with me and he gets to help with the laundry. He likes that, plus I think it tires him out some to go up all those stairs! I have locks on their bedroom doors and I use them when I need to. If Tim is being naughty and I need to nurse baby, he goes to sit on his bed for a bit while I LOCK the door and sit to nurse the baby. Think about what you have to work with and outsmart that kid! You can do it!

  4. Hi!

    I totally relate to your situation! I have 3 kiddos, with #2 being my crazy dangerous one. He is 2, big brother is 5 and little sister is 1. If there is a way to make a mess out of anything, he will find it! Havent done peanut butter yet, but have had pink lemonade mix, flour, shampoo, toothpaste, paint, milk, soda, and powdered sugar all over the floor. (At different times, of course!) He will also rip any book he comes across, and woe be to any flat surface if he has found a crayon or marker! He is also one of the sweetest and snuggliest little boys I have ever seen. He just cant seem to resist any temptation that comes his way if it involves making a mess. My oldest has a compulsion to climb everything and scare me half to death. One time we were at Costco and while I was looking at something, an employee came running down the aisle saying “hey! No!” I looked up and my little boy, 4 at the time, was climbing up the big racks above the merchandise like a monkey. The thing that keeps me sane is my “mommy’s night” Every tuesday after the kids go to bed, I meet with 3 other mommy friends of mine and we go out for dessert somewhere. I always feel refreshed and come home with new ideas. It is encouraging to hear that you are not the only one going through similar situations. Other times I tell my hubby that I need a break and go out for coffee or to the knitting store. Just being able to hear myself think for an hour or so relaxes me and I am ready to get back to work. Just remember that this is only a short part of your life, and as hard as it is now you will miss it when its gone.

  5. Sarah!

    Sleep!! Yes, I know the hours of 8- 1pm are all you feel that is left for you to accomplish XYZ… but REST is the key! I need 8 hours to function- the bags under my eyes currently attest that I haven’t been taking my own advice right now, but my temper and ability to cope slide quickly when I am not rested.

    Establish a “safe room that you can gate shut, or keep the busy ones with you and find them things to “help” with . Keep peanut butter and white glue (that’s another story) locked up! And I know they’re all saying it but “This came to pass”
    -actually you need more children- they spy on each other as they age!
    God bless!

  6. Ok I know this ISN’T a laughing matter, I guess I just take comfort knowing that I’m not the only one! =oD

    I have 6 children 5 girls and 1 son .
    But its more then a boy thing because my 2 year Daughter is your son to a T! Just yesterday I had finally layed her down for a nap and switched the laundry. AWWWW Peace!! One to have a nock at my door 5 minutes later. It was the tenant manager WITH my 2 year. hey found her at the front office, which is 3 parking lots and complexs away from our home! I had a heart attack.
    She tried 3 more escapes that day, but I was on to her.
    In the end I ended up wih 3 baby gates up her door, and her being in her room so I could make dinner without fear.
    I look forward to this time to be over. =oD I also pray my son is opposite what I’ve herd. As is I feel my girls are a new form of Amazon tribe. =oD

    Hope your day is with SOME peace.

  7. Somewhere in this blog, I think Sarah related that we had to put a hook-and-eye lock on the outside of our eldest son’s door, after having neighbors knocking on our door, holding his hand.