Green Tea

I love iced green tea, uncorrupted by added sugar. It has a sweetness that perhaps only white tea could possibly beat. Sadly, Americans are addicted to sugar products like Coca-cola, so it’s impossible to get bottled unsweetened green tea.

In Japan, any convenience store will have at least a half-dozen brands of green tea, all unsweetened, and all delicious. Ironically, my favorite, はじめ (Hajime-cha) is made by Coca-Cola Japan.


2 responses to “Green Tea”

  1. I’m currently nursing my daughter and haven’t been drinking caffiene for over a year. I’ve been purchasing caffiene-free Coke, but hadn’t even thought of green tea! Yum! I’ll try to make the switch and lose a few more of those “baby” pounds. Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. While the caffine in regular green tea is less than half of what is in Coca-cola, there is some there. You can, of course, purchase caffine-free tea as well.

    Check out this link for comparisons of caffeine content in different beverages.