Darfur Crisis Mapped in Google Earth

I love when technology can take massive amounts of apparently meaningless information and compile and display that information in an intuitive, interactive display. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has teamed up with my favorite technology, Google Earth, to map out the ongoing crisis in Darfur.

The USHMM has compiled a list of information about the killings and displacements going on in the Sudan, but those numbers get lost when printed on paper. In order to make the information digestible to their audience, they teamed up with Google Earth to create a visual, multimedia presentation of their data in Google Earth, complete with geolocated photographs, videos, and icons.

You can see it yourself by downloading the Crisis in Darfur layers in Google Earth and learning more about what is going on in the Sudan.

2 responses to “Darfur Crisis Mapped in Google Earth”

  1. Hey Tom,

    The Darfur Google Earth site is very neat. I just have a hard time getting the darn thing to load on my home computer. Thanks for getting the link, and for passing the word about such a horrible genocide; so many people don’t have a clue about what is going on over in Sudan.

    You da man!!!

  2. Personally, I think using Google Earth is a great means for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to get their message out, in addition to being a useful tool for visualizing the ongoing tragedy.

    I found out about it via Google Earth news, not because I had been following Darfur. Hopefully, more people who are previously unfamiliar with the events going on will be educated through this.